Product Spotlight: aden + anais Muslin Swaddles (New Prints)


We are a big fan of the aden + anais muslin swaddle blankets. We consider a great wanted item and most moms have considered it a must-have for their baby. The muslin blankets are lightweight, easy clean, and so soft. Muslin is great for swaddling because it is breathable fabric that will not overheat baby and becomes softer after each wash. What’t not to like about that?

aden + anais just added new prints to the collection this past may.

aden + anais Classic Muslin Swaddles (Dino-mite) – 4-pack

aden + anais Classic Muslin Swaddles (Lovely) – 4-pack


aden + anais Classic Muslin Swaddles (Make Believe) – 4-pack

aden + anais Classic Muslin Swaddles (Night Sky) – 4-pack

And we wanted to add this to our list, even though not a “new” print, check out the Hello Kitty Swaddle.

aden + anais Classic Muslin Swaddles (Hello Kitty) – 3-pack

Make Believe, Lovely, Night Sky and Dino-Mite can be found on classic muslin swaddle blankets, sleep sacks and crib sheets. Aren’t this prints just adorable? Do you like the new prints? Which one would you purchase or already have purchased? Tweet us we would love to know!

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Indianapolis Premier Baby and Maternity Concierge Service
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